Occasionally, a user may be unable to access our Reader on a campus network but have no problem accessing it on their home network. In this case, it may be due to a campus firewall. Below are the relevant URLs to suggest that the IT department whitelist:
URLS for Platform
*.virdocs.com - content and data hosted by redshelf
bam.nr-data.net - new relic error reporting
browser-update.org - checks for outdated browsers
cdnjs.cloudflare.com - loads math jax for rendering math formulas
fonts.googleapis.com - loads our fonts and some book fonts
fonts.gstatic.com - loads our fonts and some book fonts
js-agent.newrelic.com - new relic performance reporting
URLS for RedShelf
bam.nr-data.net - new relic error reporting
fonts.googleapis.com - loads our fonts
fonts.gstatic.com - load our fonts
js-agen.newrelic.com - new relic performance reporting
*.amazonaws.com - for images and content
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