If your student was supposed to receive access to their eBook automatically then it should appear on their "My Shelf". If it doesn't, there's a chance the eBook hasn't been provisioned or it was added to a different email account.
Confirm with the campus store that access was granted to your student. If they confirm, then we'd need to verify the email address the student is logged into Brytewave with based on the below steps.
What does "Redeem your RedShelf Access Code" mean? Click here
How to locate the email address a student is logged into?
1. In the upper right corner, select your name.
2. Select "My Account"
3. Locate the email address you are logged into and verify that matches what the bookstore shows.
*If the email the student is logged in with, doesn't match the email you provisioned access to, they will need to log out and log in with the proper email. If the emails do not match, please have the student reach out to support to get this corrected.
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