This page is intended to provide answers to commonly asked questions or concerns regarding the BryteWave integrations.
Q: Why is RedShelf reaching out to me?
A: Follett and RedShelf are partners. RedShelf provides technology, services and content delivery systems under the Follett brands, to compliment Follett's offerings.
Q: What is the cost of integrating BryteWave for my institution?
A: Follett provides the integration services at no cost to your institution. The integrations are designed to deliver consistent and seamless access to digital learning materials for faculty and students at Follett managed campuses.
Q: How is the BryteWave LMS integration different than my direct integrations with publishers?
A: Follett is working with its publisher partners and RedShelf towards a single LMS integration that provides uniform, standards-based access to all digital learning materials used on campus. One integration and set of processes across all publishers and digital materials.
Q: Does my institution continue with using Direct LMS integrations with publishers?
A: For publisher-hosted courseware, institutions will continue to use direct LMS integrations provided through the publishers. When a publisher’s courseware becomes available through the BryteWave LMS integration, Follett managed campuses will be able to use the new integration at the beginning of the next academic term.
Q: How do I know when I can discontinue using a publisher’s direct LMS Integration for its courseware?
A: Follett and its partner, RedShelf, are working on communications and resources that will inform campus administrators when publisher-hosted courseware is available through the BryteWave integration.
Institution and Student Benefits
Q: How does the BryteWave LTI 1.3 Advantage tool help faculty and students?
A: The BryteWave IMS LTI 1.3 LMS integration provides faculty and students with a single point of access to all of the digital learning materials used in their courses.
Q: Why do we need the LTI 1.3 LMS integration over the LTI 1.0 LMS integration that we have already completed?
A: The IMS LTI 1.3 LMS integration standard provides an updated security process and extensions such as deep-linking and grade pass-back, to support advanced publisher-hosted courseware use by faculty and students. Many publishers are making LTI 1.3 LMS integrations available for their courseware products to reduce the need to maintain legacy custom, proprietary LMS integrations.
Q: What is the LMS API integration for roster transfer and what is it used for?
A: The LMS API integration for roster data transfer automatically retrieves a daily list of continuing students for each course section that is participating in the Follett ACCESS (Inclusive Access) program. The roster transfer will occur nightly prior to the term and will end after the add/drop period on the agreed-upon billing date.
If this API is not enabled for this automated retrieval of information, Follett would have to request the information from the LMS Administrator on a regular basis, the campus would have to manually feed rosters to RedShelf and RedShelf must manually load them which could delay students getting access on day one.
Q: What is the LMS API integration for course data transfer and what is it used for?
A: Each course listing provides descriptive and actionable information for the course that is used to automate Follett processes for aligning and provisioning digital learning materials to faculty and student accounts. The LMS API integration for course data transfer automatically retrieves a daily list of courses for the current LMS term. Course information such as Titles, Labels, IDs, Dates etc. are automatically retrieved so that School Admins do not have to provide this information manually. Without this data, RedShelf and Follett are unable to confirm and launch courses with aligned digital products for faculty and student use. This data also allows for RedShelf and Follett to be more proactive and responsive if professors merge courses last minute, which creates new LMS IDs that will need to be updated if this API is not enabled. Course IDs are also used for additional automation such as LTI link placements in all courses where the BryteWave integration is used.
Q: What is the LMS API integration for automated link placement and what is it used for?
A: The LMS API integration for automated link placement is used to ensure that the BryteWave LTI tool link is available in each course that will be using BryteWave to access digital learning materials. This automates the placement of the BryteWave LTI link into the LMS courses so that faculty, administrators or coordinators do not have to add it manually. This permission also allows RedShelf to verify that the link is live and visible for students so the instructor doesn’t have to.
BryteWave Integrations
Q: What Learning Management Systems are supported by BryteWave?
A: The Brytewave and Discover Shelf integration is available for IMS LTI enabled LMSes, the ideal experience is delivered through an IMS LTI 1.3 ready LMS. Examples include:
- Instructure Canvas
- D2L BrightSpace
- Blackboard Learn, Q2 2019 or SaaS (available June 2021)
- Moodle 3.7 or later (available June 2021)
Q: What are the types of digital learning materials available to faculty and students through BryteWave?
A: The BryteWave learning tool provides access to all types of digital learning materials including eBooks and courseware.
Q: Do instructors and students have to pay for the digital learning materials accessed through BryteWave?
A: Yes, the digital materials delivered through BryteWave are purchased by students through the Follett store for your campus. Instructors are not charged for the materials that are provided to them via BryteWave.
Accessibility, Security and Risk Management & Terms of Use
Q: What types of data are being shared from my institution’s LMS to RedShelf, Follett, and Publishers through these integrations?
A: For LTI, we take the basic context information from the LTI payload, otherwise known as ‘claims’ data for LTI 1.3 Advantage integrations.
- User's name, First/Last
- User's Role in the Course (Instructor or Student/Learner)
- User's LTI user_id (or ‘sub’ parameter in LTI 1.3)
- User's email
- User's lis_person_sourcedid (SIS ID)
- Context_id (Course ID that the student is enrolled in)
- Context_Title
- Context_label
- lis_course_offering_sourcedid (SIS ID)
Depending on the LMS capabilities and the governance at the customer institutions, there may be some adjustments to the data that can be used and how it's configured and acquired.
Q: Who do I reach out to for accessibility, data security, and risk management details?
A: Please email us at and include any specific questions and/or documentation requests as well as the email address for anyone that should receive the response.
Q: What must the faculty and students agree to in order to use the BryteWave integration to access their digital learning materials?
A: Please see Some products purchased through Follett stores may have their own terms and end-user agreements.
Q: If I am an LMS Administrator or faculty, who do I reach out to for technical support?
A: Please email us at and include the following data:
- Institution Name and Store# (if available)
- Contact information for the LMS Administrator *If a faculty member is reaching out
- LMS - include the version (if available) and URL to the LMS
- Description of issue or request - Include time and date of when incident occurred, examples of affected users and any relevant screenshots
- Class Start Date
Q: If I am a student, who do I reach out to for technical support?
A: You can direct students to email or call 877-612-2233
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