Reprinting a POS receipt to retrieve a BryteWave eBook or courseware access code
If a CORE POS receipt is lost and an eBook passcode needs to be retrieved, follow the below process to re-print a copy of the receipt. Please note that for stores that are still utilizing the WinDSS POS system, receipt re-prints will not show eBook codes. WinDSS stores should email the POS support mailbox for assistance instead.
After signing into the CORE POS application and accessing the Follett POS mode, perform the following steps to re-print a receipt.
⦁ Click the “more” button and then select “reprint receipt”
You are presented with the following three reprint options:
⦁ “Last Trans” will re-print the receipt from that last transaction performed on the register. Please note that the last transaction is cleared if the POS application is closed and re-launched.
⦁ “Trans number” the trans search screen displays. Enter the transaction number and select Next/Enter. Type the transaction number in the five-digit store number, register number, and transaction number format.
For example:
where 00007 is the store number, 825 is the register number, 0620 is the transaction number, and 20170615 is the date (YYYYMMDD). All this information can be found in Oracle Backoffice if necessary. This method would be the only way to re-print receipts for transactions performed on previous days.
⦁ “Trans history” will display a list of transactions performed on the respective till so far that day. A transaction may be selected from this list and re-printed. Please note this history screen is cleared once the till is closed.
⦁ BryteWave passcode information will appear towards the bottom of the receipt re-print as shown in the below example:
For issues or additional support, contact the BryteWave Support team at or call 877-612-2233
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