Please note: You’re not able to use the eReader's other features while in a Collaboration session. For a visual walk-through on collaboration, visit our video tutorial page.
Sharing Notes
Sharing your notes allows others to see any annotations you've made. To share your notes and highlights, navigate to the Sidebar Menu. Select Collaboration, and then select Share Notes.
Create a name for your shared notes and select Start Sharing to generate a group code. You can have multiple groups.
Copy this code and share it with your classmates.
Select Stop Sharing at any time to cancel the group's access to your notes and highlights.
Subscribing to Notes
Once you have received the group code from the sharer, navigate to the Sidebar Menu. Select Collaboration and then select Subscribe & View. Enter the sharer’s code in the dialogue box and select Subscribe.
Select View to see their notes:
A message in the bottom right corner of your screen lets you know that you are in a collaboration session. When you are in a collaboration session, you are unable to create highlights.
To exit the session, select Close Notes from the left sidebar.
To edit your subscriptions, select Edit and delete your subscriptions as necessary.
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